Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Civil Engineering - v. 157, n. 6 (November 2004)
Erschienen: | November 2004 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Lorenz, Richard | Emergency water for a refugee camp: a volunteer's perspective | 27-31 |
Brockway, Paul | Giving something back: improving Ethiopian engineering education | 43-49 |
Ross-Jordan, Janet | How community volunteers can help make disaster response sustainable | 32-36 |
Hodgson, Robert | Rebuilding communities: the role of volunteers after disasters | 16-26 |
van der Cruyssen, David | Restoring Wilts and Berks Canal: a model for voluntary engineering | 7-11 |
Lamb, Andrew / Long, Susan | Student volunteers: embarking on a career in development | 50-56 |
Field, Nicky | Supplying volunteer consultancy expertise to developing countries | 12-15 |
Singleton, David / Hahn, Nicole | Sustainable poverty alleviation—changing role for engineers | 37-42 |
Doughty, Martin | Voluntary engineering— charity begins at home | 4-6 |