Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction - v. 11, n. 1 (Februar 2006)
Erschienen: | Februar 2006 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Dowding, C. H. | Blast and Construction Vibration Monitoring and Control: Thirty-Five-Year Perspective | 8-12 |
Liu, Dajin | Design of Circular Base Plates | 13-19 |
el Mezaini, Nasreddin | Effects of Soil-Structure Interaction on the Analysis of Cylindrical Tanks | 50-57 |
Reiner, Mark / Rens, Kevin | High-Volume Fly Ash Concrete: Analysis and Application | 58-64 |
Adams, Dave K. | Performance of Structures before and during Failure | 20-24 |
Tabsh, Sami W. / Geblawi, Omar | Simplified Structural Analysis of Retaining Walls on Stepped Footings | 25-38 |
Iwankiw, Nestor | Update on Current Changes and Future Directions for Structural Masonry Design | 3 |
Lan, André / LeBoeuf, Denis / Chaallal, Omar / Daigle, Renaud | Validation of Shoring Made of HDPE Pipe or CGS Pipe Normally Used for Culverts and Sewers | 39-49 |