Marine Structures - v. 15, n. 2 (März 2002)
Erschienen: | März 2002 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Meinken, A. / Schlüter, H.-J. | Collapse behaviour of a push-barge | 193-209 |
Wang, Ge / Chen, Yongjun / Zhang, Hanqing / Peng, Hua | Longitudinal strength of ships with accidental damages | 119-138 |
Zhang, Shengming | Plate tearing and bottom damage in ship grounding | 101-117 |
Kmiecik, M. / Guedes Soares, C. | Response surface approach to the probability distribution of the strength of compressed plates | 139-156 |
Karamanos, Spyros A. / Romeijn, Arie / Wardenier, Jaap | SCF equations in multi-planar welded tubular DT-joints including bending effects | 157-173 |
Latorre, R. G. / Herrington, P. D. / Mattei, N. J. | Stress analysis of a transversely loaded aluminum weldment | 175-191 |