Magazine of Concrete Research - v. 72, n. 15 (August 2020)
Erschienen: | August 2020 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Kareem, Rahman S. / Al-Mohammedi, Ahmed / Dang, Canh N. / Martí-Vargas, José R. / Hale, W. Micah | Bond Model of 15.2-mm Strand with Consideration of Concrete Creep and Shrinkage | 1-34 |
Hussein, Luaay / Amleh, Lamya / Siad, Hocine / Lachemi, Mohamed | Effect of severe chloride environment on the flexural behavior of hybrid concrete systems | 1-36 |
Wang, Junhua / Sun, Yuping | Influence of Bond Property of Longitudinal Bars on Seismic Behaviors of RC Columns | 1-43 |
Bostel, Rudney / Dos Santos, Ana Carolina Parapinski / Lopes, Joao Bernardino / Willrich, Fabio Luiz / Hönnicke, Marcelo Goncalves | Watching the bonding between steel rebar and concrete with in-situ X-ray imaging | 1-27 |