Magazine of Concrete Research - v. 71, n. 24 (Dezember 2019)
Erschienen: | Dezember 2019 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Carro-López, Diego / González-Fonteboa, Belén / Eiras-López, Javier / Seara-Paz, Sindy | Contrasting circulating-bed fly ash and limestone as additions | 1-23 |
Santos, Sara Almeida / da Silva, Pedro Raposeiro / de Brito, Jorge | Durability evaluation of self-compacting concrete with recycled aggregates from the precast industry | 1265-1282 |
Rashad, Alaa M. | Effect of nanoparticles on the properties of geopolymer materials | 1-65 |
Zhu, Peng / Mao, XinQi / Qu, Wenjun | Investigation of Recycled Powder as Supplementary Cementitious Material | 1-36 |