Magazine of Concrete Research - v. 18, n. 56 (September 1966)
Erschienen: | September 1966 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Aschan, Nils | Determining the setting time of cement paste, mortar and concrete with a copper-lead electrode | 153-160 |
Anson, M. / Newman, K. | The effect of mix proportions and method of testing on Poisson's ratio for mortars and concretes | 115-130 |
Parkhill, D. L. | The flexural behaviour of slabs at ultimate load | 141-146 |
Hughes, B. P. / Bahramian, B. | A laboratory test for determining the angularity of aggregate | 147-152 |
Popovics, Sandor | The use of the fineness modulus for the grading evaluation of aggregrates for concrete | 131-140 |