Magazine of Concrete Research - v. 54, n. 1 (Februar 2002)
Erschienen: | Februar 2002 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Soh, C. K. / Chiew, S. P. / Dong, Y. X. | Concrete—steel bond under repeated loading | 35-46 |
Ryu, J. S. | An experimental study on the effect of recycled aggregate on concrete properties | 7-12 |
Cromie, J. A. / Abu-Tair, A. I. / Lyness, J. F. / McFarland, B. | The extraction of pore fluid from concrete using a heavy liquid extraction method | 1-5 |
Kim, D. / Sebastian, W. M. | Parametric study of bond failure in concrete beams externally strengthened with fibre reinforced polymer plates | 47-59 |
Marzouk, H. / Osman, M. / Hussein, A. | Punching shear of slabs: crack size and size effects | 13-21 |
Vollum, R. L. / Moss, R. M. / Hossain, T. R. | Slab deflections in the Cardington in-situ concrete frame building | 23-34 |
Uy, B. | Strength of reinforced concrete columns bonded with external steel plates | 61-76 |