Magazine of Concrete Research - v. 65, n. 11 (Juni 2013)
Erschienen: | Juni 2013 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Cadoni, Ezio / Solomos, George / Albertini, Carlo | Concrete behaviour in direct tension tests at high strain rates | 660-672 |
Li, Qingtao / Li, Zhuguo / Yuan, Guanglin / Shu, Qianjin | The effect of a proprietary inorganic coating on compressive strength and carbonation depth of simulated fire-damaged concrete | 651-659 |
Wong, Hong Seong / Matter, Kyle / Buenfeld, Nicholas R. | Estimating the original cement content and water–cement ratio of Portland cement concrete and mortar using backscattered electron microscopy | 693-706 |
Kondraivendhan, B. / Bhattacharjee, B. | Pore size distribution modification of OPC paste through inclusion of fly ash and sand | 673-684 |
Jiang, Jianhua / Yuan, Yingshu | Relationship of moisture content with temperature and relative humidity in concrete | 685-692 |