Magazine of Concrete Research - v. 66, n. 10 (Mai 2014)
Erschienen: | Mai 2014 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Demirci, Emine Ebru / Şahin, Remzi | Comparison of carbonation resistance and uniformity of SCC and CC core samples | 531-539 |
Villagrán Zaccardi, Yury A. / Di Maio, Ángel A. | Electrical resistivity measurement of unsaturated concrete samples | 484-491 |
Wang, Wenjing / Zhao, Lin / Liu, Yuanzhen / Li, Zhu | Mix design for recycled aggregate thermal insulation concrete with mineral admixtures | 492-504 |
Tran, Tung M. / Hadi, Muhammad N. S. / Pham, Thong M. | A new empirical model for shear strength of reinforced concrete beam–column connections | 514-530 |
Blechman, Isaak | Pure creep, maturity and MP-creep in concrete in terms of an exo-process | 505-513 |