Magazine of Concrete Research - v. 70, n. 22 (November 2018)
Erschienen: | November 2018 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Tian, Tian / Qiu, Wen-Liang / Zhang, Zhe | Behaviour of steel tube reinforced-concrete short bridge columns under cyclic loading | 1157-1174 |
Reddy, Bijivemujla Sudheer Kumar / Wanjari, Swapnil | Core strength of concrete using newly developed in situ compressive testing machine | 1149-1156 |
Mastali, Mohammad / Dalvand, Ahmad / Sattarifard, Alireza R. / Abdollahnejad, Zahra | Effect of different lengths and dosages of recycled glass fibres on the fresh and hardened properties of SCC | 1175-1188 |
Suryanto, Benny / Reynaud, Robin / Cockburn, Blair | Sectional analysis of engineered cementitious composite beams | 1135-1148 |