Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics - Juni 2023
Erschienen: | Juni 2023 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Wang, Dahai / Yang, Long / Xiang, Yue / Sun, Chao / Chen, Qilin | Analytical prediction of quasi-static responses of transmission lines under moving downbursts: A nonlinear model with linear approximation | 105407 |
Liu, Y. X. / Hong, H. P. | Analyzing, modelling, and simulating nonstationary thunderstorm winds in two horizontal orthogonal directions at a point in space | 105412 |
Kurelek, John W. / Piqué, Alexander / Hultmark, Marcus | Performance of the porous disk wind turbine model at a high Reynolds number: Solidity distribution and length scales effects | 105377 |
Hellström, L. H. O. / Hohman, T. C. / Smits, A. J. | POD analysis of the structure of vertical axis wind turbine wakes | 105403 |