Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics - v. 31, n. 1 (Oktober 1988)
Erschienen: | Oktober 1988 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Sakamoto, H. / Haniu, H. | Aerodynamic forces acting on two square prisms placed vertically in a turbulent boundary layer | 41-66 |
Kirk, C. L. | Analysis of dynamic effects on engineering structures | 129-130 |
Davis, A. C. | The cycloidal turbine as an air impeller | 125-128 |
Balendra, T. / Nathan, G. K. | Dynamic response of a triangular building model in an atmospheric boundary layer | 29-39 |
Chui, E. H. / Wilson, D. J. | Effect of varying wind direction on exhaust gas dilution | 87-104 |
Prenninger, P. H. W. / Schuëller, G. I. / Lin, Y. K. | Experimental verification of the probability distribution of sampled wind spectra | 1-7 |
Sayers, A. T. | Flow interference between four equispaced cylinders when subjected to a cross flow | 9-28 |
Baker, C. J. | High sided articulated road vehicles in strong cross winds | 67-85 |
Goliger, A. M. / Milford, R. V. | Sensitivity of the CAARC standard building model to geometric scale and turbulence | 105-123 |