Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics - v. 92, n. 3-4 (März 2004)
Erschienen: | März 2004 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Whalen, Timothy M. / Savage, Gregory T. / Jeong, Garrett D. | An evaluation of the self-determined probability-weighted moment method for estimating extreme wind speeds | 219-239 |
Chiu, Y.-H. / Etheridge, D. W. | Experimental technique to determine unsteady flow in natural ventilation stacks at model scale | 291-313 |
Choi, Edmund C. C. | Field measurement and experimental study of wind speed profile during thunderstorms | 275-290 |
Abe, Ken-ichi / Ohya, Yuji | An investigation of flow fields around flanged diffusers using CFD | 315-330 |
Payer, T. / Küchenhoff, H. | Modelling extreme wind speeds at a German weather station as basic input for a subsequent risk analysis for high-speed trains | 241-261 |
Meyer, Marcus / Matthies, Hermann G. | State-space representation of instationary two-dimensional airfoil aerodynamics | 263-274 |