Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics - Januar 2016
Erschienen: | Januar 2016 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Hanfeng, Wang / Yu, Zhou / Chao, Zou / Xuhui, He | Aerodynamic drag reduction of an Ahmed body based on deflectors | 34-44 |
Hu, Gang / Tse, K. T. / Kwok, K. C. S. | Aerodynamic mechanisms of galloping of an inclined square cylinder | 6-17 |
Makarewicz, Rufin | Cylindrical spreading of noise from a wind turbine | 1-5 |
Zhang, Xinxin / Chen, Xinzhong | Influence of dependence of directional extreme wind speeds on wind load effects with various mean recurrence intervals | 45-56 |
Bottasso, Carlo L. / Croce, Alessandro / Gualdoni, Federico / Montinari, Pierluigi | Load mitigation for wind turbines by a passive aeroelastic device | 57-69 |
Kanda, Isao / Yamao, Yukio | Passive scalar diffusion in and above urban-like roughness under weakly stable and unstable thermal stratification conditions | 18-33 |