Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering - v. 132, n. 4 (Juli 2006)
Erschienen: | Juli 2006 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Mutlu Sumer, B. / Hatipoglu, Figen / Fredsøe, Jørgen / Hansen, Niels-Erik Ottesen | Critical Flotation Density of Pipelines in Soils Liquefied by Waves and Density of Liquefied Soils | 252-265 |
Foray, P. / Bonjean, D. / Michallet, H. / Mory, M. | Fluid-Soil-Structure Interaction in Liquefaction around a Cyclically Moving Cylinder | 289-299 |
Damgaard, J. S. / Sümer, B. M. / Teh, T. C. / Palmer, A. C. / Foray, P. / Osorio, D. | Guidelines for Pipeline On-Bottom Stability on Liquefied Noncohesive Seabeds | 300-309 |
Kudella, M. / Oumeraci, H. / de Groot, M. B. / Meijers, P. | Large-Scale Experiments on Pore Pressure Generation underneath a Caisson Breakwater | 310-324 |
Mutlu Sumer, B. / Truelsen, Christoffer / Fredsøe, Jørgen | Liquefaction around Pipelines under Waves | 266-275 |
de Groot, M. B. / Kudella, M. / Meijers, P. / Oumeraci, H. | Liquefaction Phenomena underneath Marine Gravity Structures Subjected to Wave Loads | 325-335 |
Dunn, S. L. / Vun, P. L. / Chan, A. H. C. / Damgaard, J. S. | Numerical Modeling of Wave-Induced Liquefaction around Pipelines | 276-288 |
de Groot, M. B. / Bolton, M. D. / Foray, P. / Meijers, P. / Palmer, A. C. / Sandven, R. / Sawicki, A. / Teh, T. C. | Physics of Liquefaction Phenomena around Marine Structures | 227-243 |
Teh, T. C. / Palmer, A. C. / Bolton, M. D. / Damgaard, J. S. | Stability of Submarine Pipelines on Liquefied Seabeds | 244-251 |