Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering - v. 136, n. 6 (November 2010)
Erschienen: | November 2010 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Mikeš, Daniel / Manning, Andrew James | Assessment of Flocculation Kinetics of Cohesive Sediments from the Seine and Gironde Estuaries, France, through Laboratory and Field Studies | 306-318 |
Park, Joseph / Obeysekera, Jayantha / Irizarry-Ortiz, Michelle / Barnes, Jenifer / Park-Said, Winifred | Climate Links and Variability of Extreme Sea-Level Events at Key West, Pensacola, and Mayport, Florida | 350-356 |
Jepsen, Richard / Roberts, Jesse / Gailani, Joseph | Effects of Bed Load and Suspended Load on Separation of Sands and Fines in Mixed Sediment | 319-326 |
Nwogu, Okey / Demirbilek, Zeki | Infragravity Wave Motions and Runup over Shallow Fringing Reefs | 295-305 |
Singhal, Gaurav / Panchang, Vijay G. / Lillibridge, John L. | Reliability Assessment for Operational Wave Forecasting System in Prince William Sound, Alaska | 337-349 |
Suzuki, Takayuki / Shin, Sungwon / Cox, Daniel T. / Mori, Nobuhito | Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Near-Bed Pressure Gradients on a Barred Beach | 327-336 |