Journal of Transportation Engineering - v. 133, n. 11 (November 2007)
Erschienen: | November 2007 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Sadeghi, J. M. / Fathali, M. | Deterioration Analysis of Flexible Pavements under Overweight Vehicles | 625-633 |
Collop, A. C. / Choi, Y. / Airey, G. D. | Effects of Pressure and Aging in SATS Test | 618-624 |
Yannis, George / Golias, John / Papadimitriou, Eleonora | Modeling Crossing Behavior and Accident Risk of Pedestrians | 634-644 |
Tompkins, Derek M. / Khazanovich, Lev / Johnson, David M. | Overview of the First Ten Years of the Minnesota Road Research Project | 599-609 |
Archilla, Adrián Ricardo / Diaz, Luis G. / Carpenter, Samuel H. | Proposed Method to Determine the Flow Number in Bituminous Mixtures from Repeated Axial Load Tests | 610-617 |