Journal of the Structural Division (ASCE) - v. 105, n. 8 (August 1979)
Erschienen: | August 1979 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Mungan, Ihsan | Buckling Stresses of Stiffened Hyperboloidal Shells | 1589-1604 |
Basu, Amiya K. / Nagpal, Ashok K. / Bajaj, Ravinder S. / Guliani, Ashok K. | Dynamic Characteristics of Coupled Shear Walls | 1637-1652 |
Chen, Wai-Fah / Mehta, Harshavardhan C. / Chang, Tse-Yung P. | Experiments on Axially Loaded Concrete Shells | 1673-1688 |
Nizamuddin, Zuhayr / Bresler, Boris | Fire Response of Reinforced Concrete Slabs | 1653-1671 |
Gutkowski, Richard M. | Glulam Bridge Dowel System | 1712-1716 |
Tien, Yei L. / Wang, Shien T. | Local Buckling of Beams under Stress Gradient | 1571-1588 |
Macdonald, Bruce D. | Moment Connections Weakened by Laminations | 1605-1619 |
Chidiac, Magdi A. / Korol, Robert M. | Rectangular Hollow Section Double-Chord T-Joints | 1717-1721 |
Shrivastava, Suresh C. / Redwood, Richard G. | Shear Carried by Flanges at Unreinforced Web Holes | 1706-1711 |
Aggour, M. Sherif / Aggour, M. Shafik | Skewed Bridges with Intermediate Transverse Bracings | 1621-1636 |
Jaría, Victor / Corotis, Ross B. | Sum of Independent Gamma Live Loads Model | 1701-1705 |
Heins, Conrad P. / Potocko, Robert A. | Torsional Stiffening of I-Girder Webs | 1689-1698 |