Journal of the Structural Division (ASCE) - v. 105, n. 1 (Januar 1979)
Erschienen: | Januar 1979 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Fardis, Michael N. / Cornell, C. Allin / Meyer, John E. | Accident and Seismic Containment Reliability | 67-83 |
Krishnamurthy, Natarajan / Huang, Horng-Te / Jeffrey, Paul K. / Avery, Louie K. | Analytical M-θ Curves for End-Plate Connections | 133-145 |
Sargious, Michel A. / Dilger, Walter H. / Hawk, Hugh | Box Girder Bridge Diaphragms with Openings | 53-65 |
Kirsch, Uri / Moses, Fred | Decomposition in Optimum Structural Design | 85-100 |
Hatcher, David S. | Design of Composite Prestressed Concrete Beams | 185-198 |
Govindaswamy, Rajasekar / Swartz, Stuart E. | End-Supported Folded Plates Optimally Prestressed | 251-256 |
Holzer, Siegfried M. / Somers, Arnold E. / Bradshaw, Joel C. | Finite Response of Inelastic RC Structures | 17-33 |
Bishara, Alfred G. / Londot, Larry / Au, Peter / Sastry, Majety V. | Flexural Rotational Capacity of Spandrel Beams | 147-161 |
Iffland, Jerome S. B. | Folded Plate Structures | 111-123 |
Watwood, Vernon B. | Mechanism Generation for Limit Analysis of Frames | 1-15 |
Santhanam, T. K. | Model for Mild Steel in Inelastic Frame Analysis | 199-220 |
Rahimi, Mohsen Mahmoudzadeh / Kesler, Clyde E. | Partially Steel-Fiber Reinforced Mortar | 101-109 |
De Silva, Clarence W. / Büyüköztürk, Oral / Wormley, David N. | Postcracking Compliance Analysis of RC Beams | 35-51 |
Tang, David T. / Clough, Ray W. | Shaking Table Earthquake Response of Steel Frame | 221-243 |
Rondal, Jacques / Maquoi, René | Single Equation for SSRC Column-Strength Curves | 247-250 |
Chajes, Alexander / Chen, Wen-Sen | Stability of Guyed Towers | 163-174 |
Gilchrist, Robert T. / Chong, Ken P. | Thin Light-Gage Bolted Connections Without Washers | 175-183 |
Larrabee, Richard D. / Cornell, C. Allin | Upcrossing Rate Solution for Load Combinations | 125-132 |