Journal of the Structural Division (ASCE) - v. 85, n. 8 (Oktober 1959)
Erschienen: | Oktober 1959 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Ruddy, John M. | Alpha-Gamma "Hot" Cells for Entry by Personnel | 125-134 |
Bleich, H. H. / Salvadori, M. G. | Bending Moments on Shell Boundaries | 91-101 |
Traum, Eliahu | The Design of Folded Plates | 103-123 |
Sherman, John | Laterally Deflected Columns | 45-64 |
Pei, Ming L. | Matrix Solution of Beams with Variable Moments of Inertia | 1-14 |
Whitney, Charles S. / Anderson, Boyd G. / Birnbaum, Harold | Reinforced Concrete Folded Plate Construction | 15-43 |
Stuessi, F. | Theory and Test Results on the Fatigue of Metals | 65-90 |