Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (JSAH) - v. 53, n. 3 (September 1994)
Erschienen: | September 1994 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Adams, Nicholas | The Architectural History Foundation: Research and Publishing Today | 263-264 |
Constant, Caroline | E. 1027: The Nonheroic Modernism of Eileen Gray | 265-279 |
Gillerman, David M. | The Evolution of the Design of Orvieto Cathedral, ca. 1290-1310 | 300-321 |
Lukacher, Brian | Joseph Gandy and the Mythography of Architecture | 280-299 |
Payne, Alina A. | Rudolf Wittkower and Architectural Principles in the Age of Modernism | 322-342 |