Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (JSAH) - v. 50, n. 1 (März 1991)
Erschienen: | März 1991 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Balmori, Diana | Architecture, Landscape, and the Intermediate Structure: Eighteenth-Century Experiments in Mediation | 38-56 |
Kelly, Cathie C. | Carlo Rainaldi, Nicola Michetti, and the Patronage of Cardinal Giuseppe Sacripante | 57-67 |
Trachtenberg, Marvin | Gothic/Italian "Gothic": Toward a Redefinition | 22-37 |
Hearn, M. F. | A Japanese Inspiration for Frank Lloyd Wright's Rigid-Core High-Rise Structures | 68-71 |
Brownlee, David B. | " Neugriechisch/Néo-Grec:" The German Vocabulary of French Romantic Architecture | 18-21 |
Liscombe, R. W. | A " New Era in My Life": Ithiel Town Abroad | 5-17 |