Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (JSAH) - v. 38, n. 3 (Oktober 1979)
Erschienen: | Oktober 1979 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Quinan, Jack | Asher Benjamin and American Architecture - Introduction | 244-253 |
Crocker, Mary Wallace | Asher Benjamin: The Influence of His Handbooks on Mississippi Buildings | 266-270 |
Benjamin, Asher / Quinan, Jack | A Bibliography of Writings by and about Asher Benjamin | 254-256 |
Quinan, Jack | The Boston Exchange Coffee House | 256-262 |
Quinan, Jack | A Chronologically Arranged List of Projects and Buildings by Asher Benjamin | 253-254 |
Lerski, Hanna | Josiah Conder's Bank of Japan, Tokyo | 271-274 |
van Meter, Mary | A New Asher Benjamin Church in Boston | 262-266 |
Jansen, Virginia | Superposed Wall Passages and the Triforium Elevation of St. Werburg's, Chester | 223-243 |