Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (J. IASS) - v. 59, n. 2 (Juni 2018)
Erschienen: | Juni 2018 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Hayek, Ibrahim EL / Engelmann, Michael / Friedreich, Otfried / Weller, Bernhard | Case Study on a Spherical Glass Shell | 105-118 |
Phocas, Marios C. / Alexandrou, Kristis / Zakou, Christina | Design and Analysis of an Adaptive Bending-Active Plate Gridshell | 141-151 |
Sprague, Tyler S. | Jack Christiansen's Cylindrical Concrete Shells | 131-140 |
Cabello, Adrian | Predimensioning Sub-Space for Spoke-Wheel Roofs | 119-130 |
Smits, Joris / Eigenraam, Peter / Gkaidatzis, Rafail / Visser, Dirk Rinze / Wong, Kaitlin / Wassermann-Fry, Stephan | Shaping Forces; Review of two Bridge Design Methodologies towards Architectural and Structural Symbiosis | 152-164 |