Journal of the Institution of Civil Engineers - v. 26, n. 8 (Oktober 1946)
Erschienen: | Oktober 1946 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Asa Binns, 1873-1946 | 541 | |
Gedye, N. G. / Palmer, J. E. G. | German Docks and Harbours | 12-16 |
Oliver Robert Hawke Bury, 1861-1946 | 542 | |
Professor Ernest George Coker, FRS, 1869-1946 | 543-544 | |
James, M. R. | Renewal and Extension of Pumping Machinery for the Metropolitan Water Board | 432-469 |
Jones, A. L. | Revolving Locomotive Boilers About Their Horizontal Axes in Order to Attain, From Time to Time, in the Course of Repairs, the Most Convenient Working Position | 539 |
The Right Reverend Paul Fulcrand Delacour De Labillere, Dd, Dean of Westminster, 1879-1946 | 544 | |
Carr, T. H. | Some Considerations in the Selection of Power-Station Auxiliary Supplies | 529-536 |
Rebbeck, D. | Some Shipyard Plant Problems and Experiences | 536-538 |
Taylor, G. I. | The Testing of Materials at High Rates of Loading: James Forrest Lecture 1946 | 486-519 |