Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division (ASCE) - v. 92, n. 3 (Juni 1966)
Erschienen: | Juni 1966 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Maier, Giulio | Behavior of Elastic-Plastic Trusses with Unstable Bars | 67-91 |
Boyd, Donald E. | Dynamic Deformations of Circular Membranes | 1-16 |
Salmon, Martin A. | Large Plastic Deformation of Pressurized Cylinders | 33-51 |
Denton, Don R. / Flathau, William J. | Model Study of Dynamically Loaded Arch Structures | 17-32 |
Stern, P. / Tsui, E. Y. W. | On the Bending of Spherical Shells | 53-66 |