Journal of Surveying Engineering (ASCE) - v. 125, n. 4 (November 1999)
Erschienen: | November 1999 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Qingming, Gui / Jinshan, Liu | Generalized Shrunken-Type Robust Estimation | 177-184 |
Lau, Lawrence / Mok, Esmond | Improvement of GPS Relative Positioning Accuracy by Using SNR | 185-202 |
Onursal, Gaye / Kizilsu, Zafer | Simple Approximation of Area Determination on Mercator Chart of Sphere | 203-210 |
Davis, Thomas G. | Total Least-Squares Spiral Curve Fitting | 159-176 |