Journal of Roman Archeology - 1997
Erschienen: | 1997 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Haselberger, Lothar | Architectural likenesses: models and plans of architecture in classical antiquity | 77-94 |
Carroll-Spillecke, Maureen | An early bath house in the suburbs of Roman Cologne | 263-270 |
Hoskins Walbank, Mary E. | The foundation and planning of early Roman Corinth | 95-130 |
Bodel, John | Monumental villas and villa monuments | 5-35 |
Butcher, K. / Thorpe, R. | A note on excavations in central Beirut 1994-96 | 291-306 |
Riggsby, Andrew M. | ‘ Public' and 'private' in Roman culture: the case of the cubiculum | 36-56 |
Leigh, Shawna | The ‘ reservoir' of Hadrian in Athens | 279-290 |