Journal of Physics: Conference Series - v. 2343, n. 1 (September 2022)
Erschienen: | September 2022 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Wang, Hongpeng / Yang, Ruiping / Luo, Wang / Ge, Jian / Liu, Huan / Dong, Haobin | Investigation of a tunnel magnetoresistance based vector magnetometer for magnetic anomaly detection | 012007 |
Ge, Chao / Liu, Zhiyuan / Miao, Tianfeng / Huo, Yantong / Wu, Jiemin / Cui, Muchun / Han, Jing | Strength analysis and optimization of three-bridge rigid frame for mining dump truck using finite element stress linearization method | 012025 |