Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE) - v. 12, n. 3 (August 2000)
Erschienen: | August 2000 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Quirion, Marco / Ballivy, Gérard | Concrete Strain Monitoring with Fabry-Pérot Fiber-Optic Sensor | 254-261 |
Sagüés, Alberto A. / Scott, Randall / Rossi, Juan / Peña, José A. / Powers, Rodney | Corrosion of Galvanized Strips in Florida Reinforced Earth Walls | 220-227 |
Avent, R. Richard / Mukai, David J. / Robinson, Paul F. | Effect of Heat Straightening on Material Properties of Steel | 188-195 |
Yazdani, Nur / Bergin, Mike / Majtaba, Ghulam | Effect of Pumping on Properties of Bridge Concrete | 212-219 |
Makar, J. M. / Rajani, B. | Gray Cast-Iron Water Pipe Metallurgy | 245-253 |
Udoeyo, Felix F. / Cassidy, Alu O. / Jajere, Sulaiman | Mound Soil as Construction Material | 205-211 |
Lam, Frank / Craig, Bruce A. | Shear Strength in Structural Composite Lumber | 196-204 |
Akkaya, Yilmaz / Picka, Jeffrey / Shah, Surendra P. | Spatial Distribution of Aligned Short Fibers in Cement Composites | 272-279 |
Deshpande, V. S. / Cebon, D. | Uniaxial Experiments on Idealized Asphalt Mixes | 262-271 |
Ghataora, G. S. / Alobaidi, I. M. / Billam, J. | Use of Pulverized Fuel Ash in Trench Backfill | 228-237 |
Wang, Jian-Neng / Kennedy, Thomas W. / McGennis, Robert B. | Volumetric and Mechanical Performance Properties of Superpave Mixtures | 238-244 |