Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE) - v. 138, n. 10 (Oktober 2012)
Erschienen: | Oktober 2012 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Qi, Shaoying / Schideman, Lance C. / Boyer, Treavor H. | Determining Minimum Ion Exchange Resin Usage for NOM Removal | 1058-1066 |
Dey, Ayanangshu / Magbanua, Benjamin S. | Evaluation of Process Uncertainty in Activated Sludge Treatment by Probabilistic Modeling | 1040-1047 |
Ghosh, Sudipta / Mukherjee, Somnath / Sarkar, Kunal / Al-Hamdan, Ashraf Z. / Reddy, Krishna R. | Experimental Study on Chromium Containment by Admixed Soil Liner | 1048-1057 |
Ke, Jinxia / Gin, Karina Yew Hoong / Tan, Lai Heng / Reinhard, Martin | Fate of Endocrine-Disrupting and Pharmaceutically Active Substances in Sand Columns Fed with Secondary Effluent | 1067-1076 |
Franks, Carmen A. / Davis, Allen P. / Aydilek, Ahmet H. | Geosynthetic Filters for Water Quality Improvement of Urban Storm Water Runoff | 1018-1028 |
Komlos, John / Traver, Robert G. | Long-Term Orthophosphate Removal in a Field-Scale Storm-Water Bioinfiltration Rain Garden | 991-998 |
Motz, E. C. / Cey, E. / Ryan, M. C. / Chu, A. | Nutrient Fate and Transport in the Vadose Zone below an At-Grade Wastewater Distribution System in a Cold Climate | 1029-1039 |
Song, Hocheol / Yim, Gil-Jae / Ji, Sang-Woo / Nam, In-Hyun / Neculita, Carmen Mihaela / Lee, Gooyong | Performance of Mixed Organic Substrates during Treatment of Acidic and Moderate Mine Drainage in Column Bioreactors | 1077-1084 |
Adelman, Michael J. / Weber-Shirk, Monroe L. / Cordero, Anderson N. / Coffey, Sara L. / Maher, William J. / Guelig, Dylan / Will, Jeffrey C. / Stodter, Sarah C. / Hurst, Matthew W. / Lion, Leonard W. | Stacked Filters: Novel Approach to Rapid Sand Filtration | 999-1008 |
Dong, Yu / Scholz, Miklas / Harrington, Rory | Statistical Modeling of Contaminants Removal in Mature Integrated Constructed Wetland Sediments | 1009-1017 |