Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE) - v. 111, n. 4 (April 1985)
Erschienen: | April 1985 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Abdel-Ghaffar, Ahmed M. / Scanlan, Robert H. | Ambient Vibration Studies of Golden Gate Bridge: I. Suspended Structure | 463-482 |
Abdel-Ghaffar, Ahmed M. / Scanlan, Robert H. | Ambient Vibration Studies of Golden Gate Bridge: II. Pier-Tower Structure | 483-499 |
Rao, Koganti Mohana | Buckling Analysis of FRP‐Faced Anisotropic Cylindrical Sandwich Panel | 529-544 |
Zahn, John J. | Lateral Stability of Beams with Elastic End Restraints | 500-511 |
Bažant, Zdeněk P. / Oh, Byung H. | Microplane Model for Progressive Fracture of Concrete and Rock | 559-582 |
Schreyer, Howard L. / Babcock, Susan M. | A Third‐Invariant Plasticity Theory for Low‐Strength Concrete | 545-558 |
Pekau, O. A. / Syamal, Pradip K. | Torsional Instability in Hysteretic Structures | 512-528 |