Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE) - v. 110, n. 2 (Februar 1984)
Erschienen: | Februar 1984 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Vilnay, Oren | Active Control of Machinery Foundation | 273-281 |
Cedolin, Luigi / Mulas, Maria G. | Biaxial Stress‐Strain Relation for Concrete | 187-206 |
Thambiratnam, David P. / Balendra, Thambirajah / Koh, Chan Ghee / Lee, Seng‐Lip | Dynamic Interaction of Inclusion‐Soil‐Foundation System | 252-272 |
Chisalita, Adrian | Finite Deformation Analysis of Cable Networks | 207-223 |
Ditlevsen, Ove | First Outcrossing Probability Bounds | 282-292 |
Askar, Hasan G. / Lynn, Paul P. | Infinite Elements for Ground Freezing Problems | 157-172 |
Mikami, Ichizou / Furanishi, Kazuo | Nonlinear Behavior of Cylindrical Web Panels | 239-251 |
Bažant, Zdeněk P. / Wang, Tongsheng | Spectral Analysis of Random Shrinkage Stresses in Concrete | 173-186 |
Ditlevsen, Ove | Taylor Expansion of Series System Reliability | 293-307 |
Wong, Felix S. | Uncertainties in Dynamic Soil‐Structure Interaction | 308-324 |
Li, Wei / Chen, Ching Jen | Vertical Plane Buoyant Jets in Stratified Environment | 224-238 |