Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE) - v. 120, n. 7 (Juli 1994)
Erschienen: | Juli 1994 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Che, Xiling / Riggs, H. Ronald / Cengiz Ertekin, R. | Composite 2D/3D Hydroelastic‐Analysis Method for Floating Structures | 1499-1520 |
Liou, Gin‐Show / Huang, Pao‐Han | Effect of Flexibility on Impedance Functions for Circular Foundation | 1429-1446 |
Jirásek, Milan / Bažant, Zdeněk P. | Localization Analysis of Nonlocal Model Based on Crack Interactions | 1521-1542 |
Li, Yuan‐Neng / Bažant, Zdeněk P. | Penetration Fracture of Ice Plate: 2D Analysis and Size Effect | 1481-1498 |
Huddleston, John V. / Ham, Hee‐Jung | Poisson Effect in Extensible Cables with Both Ends Fixed | 1590-1595 |
Anandarajah, A. | Procedures for Elastoplastic Liquefaction Modeling of Sands | 1563-1589 |
Jiang, Wei | Shakedown Analysis of Hollow Spheres | 1447-1480 |
Inaudi, José A. / Leitmann, George / Kelly, James M. | Single‐Degree‐of‐Freedom Nonlinear Homogeneous Systems | 1543-1562 |
Wu, Chih‐Ping / Liu, Chi‐Chuan | Stress and Displacement of Thick Doubly Curved Laminated Shells | 1403-1428 |