Journal of Cultural Heritage - v. 1, n. 4 (Dezember 2000)
Erschienen: | Dezember 2000 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
de Gennaro, Maurizio / Calcaterra, Domenico / Cappelletti, Piergiulio / Langella, Alessio / Morra, Vincenzo | Building stone and related weathering in the architecture of the ancient city of Naples | 399-414 |
Calcaterra, Domenico / Cappelletti, Piergiulio / Langella, Alessio / Morra, Vincenzo / Colella, Abner / de Gennaro, Roberto | The building stones of the ancient centre of Naples (Italy): Piperno from Campi Flegrei. A contribution to the knowledge of a long-time-used stone | 415-427 |
Franzini, Marco / Leoni, Leonardo / Lezzerini, Marco | A procedure for determining the chemical composition of binder and aggregate in ancient mortars: its application to mortars from some medieval buildings in Pisa | 365-373 |