Journal of Constructional Steel Research - v. 16, n. 4 (Januar 1990)
Erschienen: | Januar 1990 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Korol, R. M. / Ghobarah, A. / Osman, A. | Extended end-plate connections under cyclic loading: Behaviour and design | 253-280 |
Jaspart, Jean-Pierre / Maquoi, René | Guidelines for the design of braced frames with semi-rigid connections | 319-328 |
Gengshu, Tong / Shaofan, Chen | On the efficiency of an eccentric brace on a column and the collapse of the Hartford Coliseum | 281-305 |
Sakimoto, Tatsuro / Sakata, Tsutomu | The out-of-plane buckling strength of through-type arch bridges | 307-318 |
Rondal, Jacques / Niazi, Majid | Stability of built-up beams and columns with thin-walled members | 329-335 |