Journal of Constructional Steel Research - v. 1, n. 4 (September 1981)
Erschienen: | September 1981 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Virdi, K. S. | Design of circular and rectangular hollow section columns | 35-45 |
Schmidt, L. C. / Morgan, P. R. / Phang, P. W. | Influence of joint eccentricity and rigidity on the load capacity of a space truss sub-assemblage | 16-22 |
Andronicou, A. / Walker, A. C. | A plastic collapse mechanism for cylinders under uniaxial end compression | 23-34 |
Smith, C. S. / Dow, R. S. | Residual strength of damaged steel ships and offshore structures | 2-15 |