The Journal of Architecture - v. 29, n. 5-6 (August 2024)
Erschienen: | August 2024 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Talamini, Gianni / Placci, Luca / Croset, Pierre Alain | Alvar Aalto and his three Italian collaborators: cultural cross-pollination and architectural legacy | 1-23 |
Gomez-Tone, Hugo C. / Raposo Grau, Javier F. | The architectural conception drawing in immersive virtual environments | 1-29 |
Ahmadi, Zahra / Eghbali, Seyed Rahman / Karimi, Fariborz | Architecture-city in the mirror of science fiction: beyond a literature review | 1-27 |
Sun, Zhijian | China''s subtropical architecture: environment, nationalist reconstruction and an anti-Beaux-Arts architecture in modern Canton, 1840–1948 | 1-33 |
Liu, Yiming | Confucian modernity in the architecture of Penang''s Chinese community | 1-19 |
Choi, Sze Ho | Place of the people/people of the place: a spatial structure of vernacular practices in Hong Kong | 1-24 |
Gür, Berin F. | Two conquerors under the dome of the Panorama 1453 History Museum | 1-26 |