The Journal of Architecture - v. 27, n. 1 (Januar 2022)
Erschienen: | Januar 2022 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Aedo, Sebastian | Architectural remediation: the Nautilus project, a glass house immersed in media devices and electromagnetic waves | 1-18 |
Sharp, Deen | Concretising conflict | 1-7 |
Green, Patricia Elaine | Creole and vernacular architecture: embryonic syncretism in Caribbean cultural landscape | 1-23 |
Hanna, Dima M. / Buys, Laurie / Kumarasuriyar, Anoma | Domestic refugee architecture in Jordan: a socio-spatial analysis of chaotic camps | 1-27 |
Zollinger, Carla | Lina Bo Bardi’s School of Craft and Industrial Art and the Bauhaus legacy | 1-23 |
Nord, Catharina | Post-colonial architecture: deterritorialisation of apartheid township housing and mass-housing | 1-23 |
Jacoby, Sam / Arancibia, Alvaro / Alonso, Lucia | Space standards and housing design: typological experimentation in England and Chile | 1-33 |