The Journal of Architecture - v. 21, n. 4 (Mai 2016)
Erschienen: | Mai 2016 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Tombesi, Paolo | Capital gains and architectural losses: the transformative journey of Caudill Rowlett Scott (1948–1994) | 540-563 |
Glendinning, Miles | Cold-War conciliation: international architectural congresses in the late 1950s and early 1960s | 630-650 |
Sabatino, Michelangelo | Heat and light thematised in the modern architecture of Houston | 500-523 |
Borden, Iain | The Limehouse Link: the architectural and cultural history of a monumental road tunnel in London's Docklands | 651-675 |
Shadar, Hadas | The linear city: linearity without a city | 564-601 |
Sachs, Avigail | Marketing through research: William Caudill and Caudill, Rowlett, Scott (CRS) | 524-539 |
Tombesi, Paolo | The task of architecture | 493-498 |
Lewi, Hannah / Peckham, Andrew | TranscribingThe Journal of Architecture: research, production and publication 2004–2013 | 479-489 |
Sargın, Güven Arif / Savaş, Ayşen | 'A University is a society’: an environmental history of the METU ‘campus’ | 602-629 |