Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology - v. 23, n. 2 (Februar 2025)
Erschienen: | Februar 2025 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
An, Xuehui / Liang, Qimin / Li, Pengfei / You, Wei / Yin, Xianghong | Experimental Assessment on Printing Performance and Mechanical Properties of Underwater Self-Protecting 3D Printing Concrete | 79-98 |
Shao, Guodong / Liu, Juan / Zou, Jie / Zhao, Ge / Zheng, Taotao / Meng, Xiangrui / Tian, Li / Liu, Juncai | Experimental Study on the Bearing Performance of Segmented Prestressed Assembled Foundation with Full-Scale Testing | 123-137 |
Shinmi, Tatsuo / Kawai, Kenji | Impact of Fuel Consumption by Traffic on the CO<sub>2</sub> Balance of Pavements | 138-151 |
Yi, Haozhe / Oh, Kiwon / Qiao, Yu | Sectioned Compaction of Low-Binder Concrete Parts | 116-122 |
Kanazawa, Takeru / Hashimoto, Katsufumi / Park, Kyoungsoo / Takahashi, Hayato | Statistical Perspective to Time-dependent Pull-out Behavior of Discrete Fibers: A Review | 99-115 |