IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering - v. 852, n. 1 (Juli 2020)
Erschienen: | Juli 2020 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Suharyanto, Andreas / Simanjuntak, Manlian Ronald A. | Identification of Design And Build Risks in School Building Construction Projects in Central Jakarta | 012049 |
Simanjuntak, Manlian Ronald A. / Virgina Suryaningrum, Intan | Project Cost Risk Identification and Construction Performance Indicators of High-rise Building in DKI Jakarta (Case Study: PT. X) | 012031 |
Risa Diki Pratama, Mukhamad / Simanjuntak, Manlian Ronald A. | The study of the identification of using the supply chain to increasing financing efficiency of management project for building construction x in Jakarta | 012018 |