IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering - v. 1083, n. 1 (Februar 2021)
Erschienen: | Februar 2021 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Evtushenko, S. I. / Lepikhova, V. A. / Kuchumov, M. A. / Scibin, E. G. / Krachmalniy, T. A. | Automated monitoring systems for defects and damages of building structures and materials | 012079 |
Lepilov, V. I. / Usadskiy, D. G. / Kovylin, A. V. | Comparative analysis of thermophysical characteristics for screen insulation and building heat-insulating materials | 012077 |
Meskhi, B. Ch / Evtushenko, A. I. / Sergina, N. M. / Azarov, V. N. | Research of abrasive properties separate dust to ensure the reliability of dusting systems in the production of building materials | 012091 |
Ali Yahya Nasser, Al-Bukhaiti / Keita, Yaya / Ledenyov, V. V. / Savinov, Ya V. / Umnova, O. V. | Research of the additional building influence on the foundation in a stress superposition existing along the radius zone | 012014 |