The International Journal of the Constructed Environment - v. 7, n. 2 (2016)
Erschienen: | 2016 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Rinaldi, Alessandro | From the Environmental Issue to an Integrated Approach for Strategic Environmental Assessment | 1-12 |
Paula, Leonora S. | Literatura Periférica: Challenging São Paulo’s Cultural Segregation | 13-24 |
Venugopal, Vidhya / Chinnadurai, Jeremiah / Lucas, Rebekah / Vishwanathan, Vennila / Rajiva, Ajit / Kjellstrom, Tord | The Social Implications of Occupational Heat Stress on Migrant Workers Engaged in Public Construction: A Case Study from Southern India | 25-36 |
Casanova, Cesar / Sarkani, Shahram / Mazzuchi, Thomas A. | System Architecture to the Identification and Valuation of Design Option Flexibilities under Uncertainty | 37-53 |