International Journal of Sustainable Transportation - v. 4, n. 1 (Januar 2010)
Erschienen: | Januar 2010 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Zhang, Xiaoning / Zhang, H. Michael / Li, Leyuan | Analysis of User Equilibrium Traffic Patterns on Bottlenecks with Time-Varying Capacities and their Applications | 56-74 |
Shaheen, Susan A. / Martin, Elliot | Demand for Carsharing Systems in Beijing, China: An Exploratory Study | 41-55 |
Otanicar, Todd P. / Carlson, Joby D. / Golden, Jay S. / Kaloush, Kamil E. / Phelan, Patrick E. | Impact of the Urban Heat Island on Light Duty Vehicle Emissions for the Phoenix, AZ Area | 1-13 |
Shay, Elizabeth / Khattak, Asad J. | Toward Sustainable Transport: Conventional and Disruptive Approaches in the U.S. Context | 14-40 |