International Journal of Sustainable Transportation - v. 12, n. 5 (Januar 2018)
Erschienen: | Januar 2018 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
de Luca, Stefano / Di Pace, Roberta | Aftermarket vehicle hybridization: Potential market penetration and environmental benefits of a hybrid-solar kit | 353-366 |
Cui, Qiang / Li, Ye | CNG2020 strategy and airline efficiency: A Network Epsilon-Based Measure with managerial disposability | 313-323 |
Danielis, Romeo / Rotaris, Lucia / Monte, Adriana | Composite indicators of sustainable urban mobility: Estimating the rankings frequency distribution combining multiple methodologies | 380-395 |
Philips, Ian / Watling, David / Timms, Paul | Estimating individual physical capability (IPC) to make journeys by bicycle | 324-340 |
Moniruzzaman, Md / Farber, Steven | What drives sustainable student travel? Mode choice determinants in the Greater Toronto Area | 367-379 |
Anderson, John E. / Lehne, Marius / Hardinghaus, Michael | What electric vehicle users want: Real-world preferences for public charging infrastructure | 341-352 |