International Journal of Sustainable Transportation - v. 14, n. 2 (April 2019)
Erschienen: | April 2019 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Khayati, Yashar / Kang, Jee Eun | Comprehensive scenario analysis of household use of battery electric vehicles | 85-100 |
Abdallah, Moatassem / Tawfik, Aly M. / Monghasemi, Shahryar / Clevenger, Caroline M. / Adame, Beranea A. | Developing commute optimization system to minimize negative environmental impacts and time of business commuters | 101-119 |
Mehdizadeh, Milad / Nordfjaern, Trond / Mamdoohi, AmirReza | Environmental norms and sustainable transport mode choice on children’s school travels: The norm-activation theory | 137-149 |
Fernandes, P. / Sousa, C. / Macedo, J. / Coelho, M. C. | How to evaluate the extent of mobility strategies in a university campus: An integrated analysis of impacts | 120-136 |
Singleton, Patrick A. | Multimodal travel-based multitasking during the commute: Who does what? | 150-162 |