International Journal of Space Structures - v. 35, n. 4 (August 2020)
Erschienen: | August 2020 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Li, YG / Liu, TJ / Fan, F. / Hong, HP | Comparison of seismic responses of a reticulated dome under stochastic uniform and spatially correlated and coherent multiple-support excitation for a scenario seismic event | 095605992093101 |
Boulic, Léa / D'Acunto, Pierluigi / Bertagna, Federico / Castellón, Juan José | Form-driven design of a bending-active tensile façade system | 095605992093102 |
Baranyai, Tamás | On the duality of space trusses and plate structures of rigid plates and elastic edges | 095605992094756 |
Pérez, Marta Gil / Rongen, Bas / Koslowski, Valentin / Knippers, Jan | Structural design, optimization and detailing of the BUGA fibre pavilion | 095605992096177 |
Pilarska, Dominika | Two subdivision methods based on the regular octahedron for single- and double-layer spherical geodesic domes | 095605992095694 |