International Journal of Space Structures - v. 25, n. 1 (März 2010)
Erschienen: | März 2010 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Peña, Diana Maritza / Llorens, Ignasi / Sastre, Ramon | Application of the Tensegrity Principles on Tensile Textile Constructions | 57-67 |
Nagai, Yuki / Okada, Akira / Miyasato, Naoya / Saitoh, Masao | Basic Study on Multi-Bay Horn-Shaped Membrane Roof: Evaluation of Wind Load and Influence of Supporting System on Structural Behavior under Winds | 35-43 |
Fan, Feng / Ma, Hui-Huan / Cao, Zheng-Gang / Shen, Shi-Zhao | Direct Estimation of Critical Load for Single-Layer Reticulated Domes with Semi-Rigid Joints | 15-24 |
Chun-Guang, Liu / Hui-Jun, LI | A Novel Method to Calculate the Dynamic Reliability of Space Structures Subjected to Multi-Dimensional Multi-Support Excitations | 25-34 |
Mirats Tur, Josep M. | On the Movement of Tensegrity Structures: November 1, 2009 | 1-13 |
Zhang, Zhi-hong / Dong, Shi-Lin | Shape Determination Problem of Spatial Cable-frame type of Suspended Single-layer Reticulated Shells with Free Surface | 45-56 |