International Journal of Space Structures - v. 7, n. 3 (September 1992)
Erschienen: | September 1992 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Drágula, Josef | Another Vision of the Mile High Skyscraper | 201-210 |
Androic, Boris | Deformations Observed on Systems of Long Span Space Trusses | 219-222 |
Wada, Akira / Wang, Zhu | Influences of Uncertainties on Mechanical Behavior of a Double-Layer Space Truss | 223-235 |
Murtha-Smith, Erling / Hwang, Sun-Hee / Bean, John E. | Load Transfer in a Space Frame Connection | 191-200 |
Rebielak, Janusz | Space Structures — Proposals for Shaping | 175-190 |
Zhao, H. L. / Ma, J. / Yan, S. R. | A Study of the Behaviour of Joints | 211-217 |